Neills Vintage
New & Used Vintage Tractor Parts

Tractor Exports - Worldwide delivery of Ford, Massey Ferguson, Marshall and International Tractors

International Tractor Exports

International Tractors are a popular type to export at Neills Vintage, so we have a great range to choose from. We have available stock at almost anytime when required.

For more details on our Tractor Exports please contact Alistair on +44 7763 934 907




BACKENDS, GEARBOXES, ENGINES are also available for these tractors

Images to follow


We also have a good stock of Backends, Gearboxes, Engines and other parts available for all exported tractors should you ever require spares or repairs.

Good prices on all exports and great rates on shipping charges will ensure you get the best possible deal everytime.


Secure Payments


More details on our online security here.

comodo secure seal 100x85 transp

Opening Hours

Northern Ireland Depot

Mon-Fri  -  9am - 5:30pm

Sat  -  9am - 1pm


UK Mainland Depot

Open by Appointment Only

Mon-Fri  -  9am - 5:30pm

Sat  -  9am - 1pm


Northern Ireland Depot

sampleNeills Vintage
133a Dungannon Road
Co Tyrone
BT80 9BD


sample+44 (0)28 8676 4953 - Office

+44 (0)7775 191911 - Alastair



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UK Mainland Depot

sampleThe Hanger
Carlisle CA7 5LF


sample+44 (0)1228 472068 - Office

+44 (0)7444 768516 - Scott

+44 (0)7775 191911 - Alastair



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